Wednesday 11 June 2008

All Saints, Carshalton, Surrey

I rang in a peal here last Saturday and managed to get some photos of the vestments on display. I have never seen so many black copes in a church, with four in evidence. There was also a new blue fiddleback High Mass set on display, a pink chasuble and a monkey in a biretta! All of these were set amongst the gorgeous Comper furnishings. The parish has undergone something of a revival recently after eighty or so pretty miserable years and a great deal of credit is due to the incumbent and churchwardens for turning things around. In the first half of the twentieth century it was one of the most Papalist parishes in the country, although this was later moderated into a much more restrained Prayer Book Catholic style, a tradition that still continues.
You can click on the title of this post to reach the church's website.

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