Thursday 13 November 2008


Given the appalling weather we have been having of late, these photos taken at the former Nashdom Abbey, may cheer up members a little. They include the former Monk's Cemetery.

Sunday 12 October 2008

October Meeting

The Society's October Lecture will take place at 7.30pm on Monday, 20 October. Canon Hilary Davidson, a retired priest of the Peterborough Diocese will speak on Anglo-Catholic hymnody.

Thursday 28 August 2008

Primrose Hill Patronal Festival

St Mary the Virgin, Primrose Hill

Patronal Festival 2008

Sunday, 7 September at 6pm

Solemn Evensong, Procession and Te Deum

Monday, 8 September, 2008 at 8pm
Procession and High Mass
Celebrant: The Rev’d Linda Dean
Preacher: The Rev’d Peter Moseling

Both services are according to the Book of Common Prayer with traditional English ceremonial.

Friday 1 August 2008


Dear All

This year’s annual trip took place on 19th July 2008 and was, I think, much enjoyed by all who participated- a larger number than some years. I am very grateful to George Skelly for the administrative arrangements and to Don Young for assistance with booking a suitable place for lunch (very important to all). We visited two interesting Victorian churches, All Saints, Ascot Heath, with very well restored wall paintings and All Saints, Boyne Hill, Maidenhead, with more interesting fittings and a Tractarian courtyard adjacent with the former vicarage, school and almshouses. In the late morning we were splendidly received at Nashdom, now restored to glory but lacking its monks, by Katy Simmons, a resident of a flat which was once part of the library. In glorious weather we walked across the lawn and visited the evocative graveyard, and were then entertained by Katy and her husband to an aperitif. Our last visit was to the enclosed sisters of the Precious Blood at Burnham Abbey, who very kindly showed us around the convent, where during the daytime there is always one of their number at watch before the Blessed Sacrament.
Next year’s trip has provisionally been arranged for Saturday 18th July 2009 and the intention is that we visit the St. Ives-Ely area, where there is much of interest, especially to devotees of Comper.
More immediately I have arranged a walking tour of interesting churches in inner North West London for Saturday 4th October 2008. The programme is set out below: it obviously involves a certain amount of walking, but not too much (I have done it) and there are very few hills: time is built in for coffee and lunch breaks. It will be possible to join and leave en route as well.
The details are as follows:
0945 meet at St. Mary Magdalene, Munster Square (near Warren Street or Euston Square underground).
1045 St. Mark, Regent’s Park (en route passing the first 1130 St. Mary, Primrose Hill (where committee member John Hawes will show us some vestments and other items)
1215 St. Silas, Kentish Town (where John Salmon will show us round- an interesting experience if you have never been inside this building!)
1430 St. Michael, Camden Town
1500 St. Mary, Somers Town (near Euston underground)
There will be a nominal charge of £5 per head for the donations which we always give to places we visit. The form to notify is attached but if you simply want to join us on the day you will be very welcome.
On publications, progress is being made with John Salmon’s book on E.C. Shearman, the architect, which is now with the pre-printer, and with Michael Farrer’s book on Anglo-Catholicism in Camden. New manuscripts are always welcome. Any material should be sent to me at 7, Lyndewode Road, Cambridge CB1 2HL or (preferably) be in Word format and emailed to
Our next lecture is on Monday 20th October 2008 at 7.30 pm at St. Mary Bourne Street when Canon Hilary Davidson, a retired priest of the Peterborough Diocese, will speak on Anglo-Catholic hymnody. In January we expect Father Barry Orford of Pusey House to talk on Canon Liddon, Cuddesdon College and priestly formation.

Michael Yelton

To: George Skelly, 24, Cloudesley Square, London N1 0HN

Walking trip of North West London, 4th October 2008.

Please reserve….places joining at……….


Thursday 24 July 2008

Burnham Abbey

Last Saturday some thirty or so members of the society enjoyed an outing to Buckinghamshire and Berkshire arranged by Michael Yelton. I shall post some pictures of the buildings we visited over the next few days. The final stop was at Burnham Abbey, home of the Society of the Precious Blood, an enclosed order founded in 1905. The nuns occupy the medieval domestic buildings of the former house of Augustinian Canonesses, suppressed at the Dissolution. At one time this was one of the most ultramontane communities in the Church of England, although nowadays it is far more restrained. Nevertheless, the watch before the Sacrament, which is kept in a very English hanging pyx today, is still a major feature of the liturgical regime. Personally I found the chapel, which was re-ordered a few years back, very attractive in ts simplicity. It occupies the old Chapter House.

Sunday 15 June 2008

ACHS Annual Trip

The visit this year will be to the Berkshire/Buckinghamshire area and as already announced will be on Saturday 19th July. We are leaving King’s Cross at 9.30 a.m. Pick up is to be in York Way, to the eastern side of Kings Cross Station.
Note that this is a different place from earlier years and is designed for easier access and for easier egress from London. It is essential that we leave on time.

We shall be visiting two interesting churches, All Saints, Ascot Heath, and also the well known All Saints, Boyne Hill, Maidenhead. Arrangements have now also been made via an enthusiastic and knowledgeable resident to gain entry to Nashdom, the stunning Lutyens house which formerly housed the Anglican Benedictine community in order to see both part of the interior (which is now in flats) and to visit the cemetery, where major figures such as Gregory Dix are buried. Finally, we are privileged to be able to visit the Sisters of the Society of the Precious Blood at Burnham Abbey. Neither Nashdom nor Burnham Abbey are normally available for private individual visits so this is a great opportunity.

The cost of the trip is £25.00 and bookings should be sent to George Skelly at 24, Cloudesley Square, London N1 0HN with cheques made out to the Society, using the form below which can be printed out

To: George Skelly, Treasurer, ACHS, 24 Cloudesley Square, London, N1 0HN
Telephone 020 7833 1555, mobile 07891 032653

Please reserve me seats on the coach for 19th July 2008.
Enclosed cheque P/O for for £ made payable to the Anglo-Catholic History

Wednesday 11 June 2008

All Saints, Carshalton, Surrey

I rang in a peal here last Saturday and managed to get some photos of the vestments on display. I have never seen so many black copes in a church, with four in evidence. There was also a new blue fiddleback High Mass set on display, a pink chasuble and a monkey in a biretta! All of these were set amongst the gorgeous Comper furnishings. The parish has undergone something of a revival recently after eighty or so pretty miserable years and a great deal of credit is due to the incumbent and churchwardens for turning things around. In the first half of the twentieth century it was one of the most Papalist parishes in the country, although this was later moderated into a much more restrained Prayer Book Catholic style, a tradition that still continues.
You can click on the title of this post to reach the church's website.